Here we go another football shirt post, this time it is all about the third kits that are on offer in the Premier League this time around. Today's post is all about my favourite third shirts for this season's Premier League campaign, it is safe to say in recent years I have actually preferred the third kits some manufactures have come out with rather than their away offering as I think they are often a bit more adventurous with what they bring out. Granted this season we have seen shocking third shirts revealed but alongside that we have also seen some pretty good ones too. So here are my favourite third shirts for the 21/22 Premier League campaign...
Crystal Palace
In recent years Crystal Palace have had some hit and miss shirts but this season I quite like a few of their offerings. The one shirt of theirs this season that stands out to me the most though is their third shirt. I just love the colours of light blue and white and how they work so well together. I also love the subtle design worked into the shirt that from images looks great. Puma have done well with this design compared to some of their others.
I mentioned how I liked the Everton away shirt but honestly I think I may like the third shirt that little bit more. I don't know why fully but I think it might be due to the design running through the middle of the shirt, it is almost like someone has grabbed a Tyre an just rolled it across the shirt and hung the mark to dry. The colours on the shirt also work really well together and it looks like a nice clean design even with the design going down the middle.
Leicester City
There is just something with Leicester where I end up loving at least one of their shirts each season and this year is no exception. I love the colour of this shirt as it is quite different to other offerings and I love the pink of the badge and Adidas logo as they really stand out from the shirt due to how bright they actually are. The only thing with this shirt is the sponsor being in white I would definitely love this shirt even more if it carried on the pink theme.
Southampton are a team that normally slip under my radar in terms of shirts but this years third shirt from Hummel has certainly changed that and I am really loving what they have released. I love black shirts as I think they look really smart but I love how the main detailing is all in red for this shirt as it just stands out and fits the shirt really well. The main selling point for this shirt for me though is definitely the design on the shirt if you look really closely... the little football pitches that make up the overall shirt print is fantastic and honestly at first I didn't even notice them.
There could easily have been a few others added to this post but these shirts are certainly the ones that have impressed me the most and ones I would happily purchase for my own shirt collection. It won't be long now until teams start announcing special edition shirts so no doubt there will be more Premier League shirt posts coming in the future, but next week we will start to take a look at shirts from leagues outside of England as they have some fantastic shirts on show this time around.
What is your favourite Premier League third shirt for this season?
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