Well it is here we have finally seen the Bradford City 3rd kit and it certainly hasn't disappointed me. I had heard rumours that the shirt was going to be blue but I didn't expect it to look as good as it does. I have loved the previous blue shirts we have had especially the Avec ones so I knew we were going to get something that looked good but does it live up to my expectations?
Looking at the shirt it looks like it is the same template as the home goalkeeper shirt just in a different colour. The blue looks absolutely brilliant though and the mix between the shades of blue in the chevrons looks absolutely fantastic. Again I really like how the shirt is simply just a few shades of blue and the white. The sponsor stands out well once again and I think City sponsors are the only ones I really don't mind. The darker blue around the neckline is also a nice touch as it is subtle but you can see the little addition nicely. For me it just looks like a nice clean shirt that is going to look really nice being worn.
The back of the shirt carries on with the chevron pattern up to the shoulder line too just like with the goalkeeper shirt. I just like how the pattern flows throughout the whole shirt and gives the nice clean look all round. The only details other than the chevrons on the back are the Mitton Group sponsor and the black ribbon which as always is nice to see. I think the players names and numbers are going to look great on this shirt too and should stand out nicely which is going to be useful for us fans.
I like how the sleeves are a plain blue apart from the Avec taping running down the centre in the darker blue and white which just fits with the rest of the shirt nicely. There is also the darker blue mesh paneling down the side of the shirt which again doesn't look out of place.
I will definitely be purchasing this shirt as I absolutely love the colour and the chevron detail. I think it is safe to say I am going to be wearing this during the next season, I hope we get to see the players in this shirt too as it is a good one. If like me you want to purchase the shirt for yourself it will cost you...
Shirt - £37.50 - £49.95
Shorts - £18.00 to £22.00
Socks - £8.50 to £11.00
Infant kit - £27.95
Even though it is the third shirt we still have the claret and amber incorporated into the kit thanks to the goalkeeper shirt and it looks brilliant. This is the same sort template as the outfield players shirt however, this time it is in this vibrant amber colour with the sponsor in the claret which looks brilliant and is a nice change. The chevrons are nice and subtle on here and again the flow perfectly through the shirt. I really like the claret around the neckline too as it fits the rest of the shirt nicely but doesn't stand out too much.
The back also has the chevrons going up to the shoulder line with it also cutting off at the shoulder line just like with the outfield players. Again the only other detail on the back is the Mitton Group sponsor and the ribbon. I actually really like the sponsor in the claret colour in fact and it looks perfect against the amber shirt. I really hope the name and number fits in with this shirt too and doesn't ruin it like it has done in the past for me.
The sleeves are a plain claret with no chevrons running down them but they do have the Avec taping which looks great in the claret and amber, granted I thought they would have a bit of white on the but they have stayed away from this so that the shirt is simply just claret and amber fitting with the clubs historical colours. There is also a claret mesh panel down the side which doesn't take up too much space and is a subtle addition to break down the otherwise all amber shirt. It is nice to know there is always going to be some form of claret and amber on the pitch if the shirts are worn in the correct combinations.
Just like with the goalkeeper home shirt I am actually really tempted to pick this shirt up for myself which is a change as like I said in the home shirt post I don't usually bother with them but Avec have definitely won me over with this seasons goalkeeper options. If like me you want purchase the shirt for yourself it will cost you...
Shirt - £37.50 - £49.95
Shorts - £18.00 to £22.00
Socks - £8.50 to £11.00
It is safe to say I am going to be getting at least 5 of the 6 shirts we have released for this season and I already have one in my collection already. Avec have definitely done a fantastic job this season and I am looking forward to seeing the players out on the pitch in them all. I honestly can't pick a favourite though so for now lets just say all 6 are my favourites. Which is you favourite Bradford City shirt this season?
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