Did you know the Euros are coming up? I don't think I have mentioned it enough times on here just yet do you? Here at Edge of the Area we are going to make sure we have plenty of content posted over the next month to document the tournament which is being hosted here in England, hopefully it will be content we can always come back to when we want to remember England bringing the silverware home but honestly I guess you don't really know how the tournament is going to play out. This is the first big women's tournament that we will have covered on Edge of the Area and here is the plan...
Predictions post
It isn't the start of a competition if we don't do a prediction post is it? We do it for the leagues so why not do it for the Euros? I think it is going to be fun to see if we get any correct too as you just never know what you are going to get in these competitions. We will be doing these at every stage, the groups, quarter finals, semi finals and of course the final.
Round up posts
I am really looking forward to writing these posts at every chance I get, to be honest I aren't sure if they will be after sets of group games or just after the groups are over and after each round. Either way though I really can't wait to be able to sit and write these posts as I think they will be fun to look back on. There will also be a dedicated post at the end of the tournament just as an overall round up of our experiences etc.
Match Reports
Strangely one of my favourite posts to write has to be match reports, I actually really enjoy getting home from a game sitting down at my laptop to write my thoughts on the game. Originally I wasn't going to be doing any for the Euros and I won't be doing them for every game but there will definitely be a fair few reports going up throughout the competition.
Of course we can't forget about the shirts throughout the tournament that is why we will be making sure to break up other content with hopefully a lot of shirt content. That might be a close up of one we have purchased or just a break down of what the teams will be wearing but you can definitely expect to see plenty of shirts on the blog and certainly on social media.
Gameday Videos
This is something I wanted to do during the 21/22 season however, I just never got around to doing it. Now though confidence to film & edit is growing so why not make a start on doing this during the Euros. These videos will be going up on our Instagram and TikTok pages and will hopefully capture the atmosphere of the games whilst we are there, plus they are another fun thing to look back on in the future.
We want to get others involved too with content so over on our social media pages we will be running polls, possibly daily. These could be anything from favourite shirts to who you think will win each game. We are really looking forward to running plenty of polls throughout the competition as it will be great to see other peoples opinions too, especially when it comes to the shirt ones.
Live reporting
Now this won't be happening at the games we are going to as we will probably be lacking signal to keep up to this however, for those days where we are sat at home watching games we will probably put a poll on Twitter to see which game people want us to live tweet & post on Facebook about. This should be something a bit different for us and fingers crossed this is something we enjoy and can carry into the 2022/23.
Tournament thoughts & memories
As I mentioned earlier we will be doing a blog post at the end of the whole competition to share our experience of going to games and just watching them on TV, who knows when England are next going to host a Women's International tournament so this is a post we will always be able to look at in the future and remember what happened when we got to witness hopefully a fantastic tournament on home soil.
Players of the tournament
This is probably going to consist of one very long blog post or will be broken down into two different ones but that hasn't been decided just yet. There will be a player that we pick from every nation that has been that nations player of the tournament then we will break it down to the top 5 that we think were the best of the tournament. We will also be doing polls and asking on Instagram who would get your vote so keep an eye out for those.
So there you go that is the content you are going to be seeing on the blog over the next month or so as the tournament really gets underway. We are really looking forward to documenting this competition and looking forward to seeing other peoples thoughts throughout it too.
Let us know if there is anything else you would like to see us post throughout the Euro either on the blog or social media.
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