What to expect next season...


Well the 23/24 season didn't really go to plan for the site due to other areas of life taking over and the love for writing disappearing a little bit. We didn't cover half as much as we would have loved to and that love has taken a little bit of time to come back however, we are drawing the line and have decided we are going to make the 2024/25 season the best yet.

So as we await the start of the new season we are busy behind the scenes planning what sort of content we can create and get a plan together so we can get back to where we want to be on here and the rest of social media. So here is the plan for the 2024/25 season...

The preseason is going to be quite fun filled as I am starting my first season with my new team in September so I am going to use the preseason time to focus on being in the best shape I can be in for the new season and I am going to be documenting bits on social media, I am also planning on improving technically on the pitch too so I will be covering that progress. Also during the preseason I will be doing some pieces on the league I will be joining along with the team I will be playing for. 

The plan is also to try and cover a bit of the football in the Olympics as there are some very good matches to be expected and plenty of top class players playing for gold. The football in the Olympics will probably fly by and it will showcase players that may otherwise slip under the radar, it might even help a few names get themselves in the transfer window. 

Whilst we await the start of the season the plan is to be much more active on social media again, whether it is showcasing my own preseason journey, staying up to date on transfers or just silly little posts the plan is to finally get back to using the social media accounts and start showing up consistently again as we used to love getting lost in the world of WOSO on social media. The plan is to also get some new graphics together ready for the coverage when the season does start.

September is when the leagues are most likely to begin so we have a bit of time to waste before then however, rather than being quiet throughout all that time the plan is to work on some other types of content that we would love to carry out through the whole season. We want to bring back the boot reviews and let's just say we have plenty of them to currently work through, there will also be boot comparisons and maybe other little equipment reviews thrown into the mix. A big chunk of the content before the season starts though maybe opinion pieces, deep dives into teams and possibly some interviews if things take shape nicely.

Our priorities are certainly changing though this upcoming season as we are not renewing our Man United season tickets so I can focus on playing. This means that a chunk of reports might be based on the team I am playing for rather than the top flight but we will see how that goes. I am sure that we will head to a few WSL games throughout the season though so expect reports on them and if the games are watched on the TV reports will also follow. There will be a weekly WSL wrap up post too just so all the weekends coverage is in one spot. 

As I say most of my weekends may be filled with my own games however, I am hoping that when I have no games I can head to watch some local football too. The plan is to head out to a few Halifax games when they don't clash with my games and then if any other local teams are playing at home when Halifax are away I may head down to watch them too. I am hoping that in the new season a lot of Halifax content will be added to the website too so keep an eye out for that. 

We used to love doing the lower league content so it is about time we finally got around to covering those leagues once more, there will hopefully also be more Lioness content covered throughout the new season as they get ready for Euro 2025. Alongside the reports & deep dive pieces you can also expect some more informational & opinion based pieces just like when the site first started. 

Now it is just time to get back into things and get the site more consistent once more. We are looking forward to creating the new content and hope you like reading it too.

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