Well I never thought I would be back kicking the ball around, in fact I am surprised I accepted the invite after last time I played but even in these early days of being back playing I am really enjoying myself and feeling better than ever, things just seem to have fallen back into place and once again my love for the game has grown although I didn't think it had room to grow anymore.
I had played football on and off from a very young age but unfortunately at 21 years old I found myself stopping playing. My left knee was not my friend and the pain after games was a nightmare, I ended up referred back to the hospital where they advised I stopped playing so I didn't make it worse. In the end I was told I possibly had Osteoarthritis, something I never really expected but here I am now at 28 years old lacing up my boots once more and having the time of my life, I can't wait to see how I feel by the end of the season as it really has given me a new lease of life already.
Due to not playing I ended up creating this site, Edge of the Area, it was a way for me to feel a part of the game again without having to put my body through pain to be a part of it. The site has been an amazing source for me to get more involved in the game, I am absolutely loving the content we are putting out and honestly I have no plans for slowing down anytime soon however, I was really inspired by what I saw at the Euros and there was that little niggle in the back of my mind of wanting to get back to playing especially now that my knee was feeling stronger and I was starting to feel much fitter than before. That is why when Halifax Friendly Football Club reached out to see if I wanted to join their new team I really couldn't refuse, it would be 9 a side and games wouldn't be every week so I could easy my way back in and honestly it is one of my best decisions of 2022 I absolutely love being back as I say it is early days but the knee is doing well and I am feeling better than ever so we will see how it continues to go.
So where does Edge of the Area stand after all this? With me now playing most might find it hard to juggle everything but I am putting a plan in place to make sure I am able to balance both playing and writing as I am loving both at the moment and don't want to neglect either. No matter what there is going to be at least 1 new post up on here each week although some weeks might end up with a whole lot more on depending on the ideas I have and any news happening that week, there might even be plenty of content coming around my games and the team I play for as there is plenty of potential content there, a few ideas are already in place so keep an eye out for that content coming soon.
We are of course still going to plenty of games so the match reports will be continuing as usual and with access to more live games on Sky, the BBC and the FA Player, there are even going to be reports based on those games we watch, there really is no slowing down we are throwing ourselves into building the platform we have and with the season ticket for Man Utd Women and more time to watch games at home there could very well be WSL match reports weekly alongside FAWNL ones when we get to go to those Bradford City games we still love attending. It isn't all going to be match reports though we are also planning on expanding our content range, the ideas are in place we are just waiting to hear back from people to get the ball rolling on those ideas, fingers crossed that all falls into place soon as we are already excited about the direction we are taking these new ideas in.
Granted some of the games do clash with games we have already bought tickets for however, we aren't letting this site disappear, with a bit of planning we know we are going to fit a lot in this season and we can't wait to see where it takes us both playing wise and content creating wise. We have big plans and getting back on the pitch is only adding fuel to the fire, bring on the rest of this season.
Let us know if there is any specific content you would like to see from us?
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