So following on from last weeks post about my women's, England & random football shirts today we have my Bradford City shirts, in this post there is a mix of shirt, training shirts & match worn shirts.
First up we have a match worn Hope Akpan shirt, granted it is from the season we were relegated but I love having match worn shirts in my collection and it is something which I want to add more of in the next few years, I need to get this framed as it is currently hung on our staircase.
The other year Bradford City were auctioning off these Darby training shirts that were worn during warm ups then signed by the full team to raise money for the Darby Rimmer foundation. I was lucky enough to get one for Christmas that year as my parents managed to win a bid. Again I need to get this framed as it is hung in our hallway.
When I picked up the Akpan shirt there were also some training tops for sale too so I got a couple of pieces from that range too. I picked up 3 jumpers and 1 t-shirt.
Of course I have this years home shirt, I got this for my birthday from my parents and I love it. I love it when we playing vertical stripes and to me this is a proper City shirt.
My parents also got me this seasons 3rd shirt for my birthday, I love this one as it is so vibrant and definitely stands out. This has definitely become one of my go to shirts and is one of my most worn recently.
Possibly one of my favourite shirts in the collection is this 1997/1997 shirt. This will have been one of my first ever football shirts and it is signed by some of my favourite players & even the City Gent.
You will see in the next few weeks a common theme, when it is a big birthday for me I always get a shirt with that age and my name on the back. This was the last big birthday I had and I loved the simple black shirt we had that year so of course I picked this one although I did pick up the home shirt for that year too (but it seems to have disappeared).
As well as last seasons Akpan shirt I already had the home shirt. This one definitely didn't feel like a city shirt though as it just felt so plain.
I also picked up the away shirt for last season too as I loved the colour of this one. It was just different to any we had before This was also my nephew's 1st Bradford shirt because of course we had to have matching when he was born.
The 17/18 season is actually the first time I had bought all 3 shirts but this white one was reduced to £10 towards the end of the season so I thought I might as well finish off the collection.
I actually quite liked the 17/18 home shirt the block stripes, with the block for the sponsor going across the middle it didn't disappoint. I actually really liked the bottom of the sleeves on this shirt with the stripes.
The 17/18 away shirt gave me Barcelona vibes so it was bought straight away. It also gave me vibes of that 01/03 away shirt which was one of my favourites.
A different take on the classic stripes with them going vertically instead of horizontally. My only problem with this shirt is that the JCT600 logo keeps sticking together, I wouldn't mind if it was only on one of them but it has happened on Liam's too.
This one just had to be added in due to the fact that we have gone from beating Chelsea to being back in League 2. I will definitely be keeping this one in the collection for as long as the collection is going as it will be a miracle if we do something like this again.
This was one of the first Bradford City shirts I had purchased for a long time so of course I had to get it with my favourite player at the time on the back.
There are definitely plenty of shirts missing from this collection, that may still be round at my parents so there may be a part 2 coming in the future.
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